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Monday, August 31, 2009


This was our next movie after watching Coach Carter and i think this one is awsome too..

Character selected: Nullah

Nullah is a major role to the movie. He who’s age is within 7-8 years old is an aboriginal half-cast child that was produced by her mother and Fletcher, one of the antagonist character of the movie. From the beginning, Nullah is seen to have a sort of relation to this land of Australia, a magical relation. He who was guided by his grandfather, King George said that their ancestors give the name to the animals, weather and everything on the land with songs. Without songs there’s nothing. Nullah has a long curly brown hair with a thin body. His english language is broken however everything that was spoken out from his mouth is sincere and decent. When Lady Ashley first came to the land of Australia, his grandfather told him that she would bring blessing to this land. Like a heavy rain after a long painful drought. Being a Half-cast has put him in a risky condition. The government thinks that the half-casts belong to them. The whites who wanted to conquer the land of Australia want to expel the aboriginal people from the land but it is not as easy as they think. Relation of the people with the land is somehow bonded with magic. Nullah also is filled with spirits though his physical looked small. When Lady Ashley was short of people to go droving, he volunteered himself to be one of the members. Though The Drover does not allow him to go, he insists.

Possessing a magical power to the land, Nullah seems to be able to control certain things when his heart wanted to. When the herd of bulls that they bring for droving went chaos, Nullah was at the cliff edge when thousands of bulls head straight to him. Nullah uses magic song that his grandfather taught him to save both himself and the bulls.

Nullah is also naïve when he approaches The Drover and Lady Ashley when they are smooching and address it as a bad side of a business. Living independent for years has developed a lot of courage inside him. He bravely gone to perform “walkabout” (coming of age) when he was captured and sent to live at mission island with the rest of half-cast children.


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